Wednesday, February 5, 2014

IE browser shows blank screen after loggin in to Maximo

Enable the use of Maximo 7.5 in the Internet Explorer browser on a Windows Server when logged in on the Server through a Remote Desktop Session.

The browser shows a blank screen after loggin in to Maximo on the server. 

Consultants often log in on application servers to (remotely) do Maximo stuff. They often want to test their modifications but Maximo is not always available publicly. So they need to test locally on the server they are logged in to. This is not possible when the Internet Explorer browser shows a blank screen after loggin in. Often they are are not permitted to change security settings on the server and installing a different browser is not something you want to do on a server.

The latest versions of Internet Explorer browser (IE10 and up) on modern servers (Windows 2008 and up) are very thigtly secured when viewing pages from address outside the local server environment. You constantly have to add mark pages as secured to be able to view them. This is the reason Maximo often shows a blank page after loggin in. 

Option 1 - Adding the domain to the trusted sites in IE:

When navigating to Maximo often the servername is used:

After entering the credentials and loggin in the following message is displayed:

Click [Add] to add the page to the trusted sites. 

This way the security policies applied are different and Maximo will display correctly.

If for some reason the dialog above is not shown you can go to the Internet Options of the browser to add the site:

Click on the 'Security' tab and then click the [Sites] button

Type in the first part of the URL and click [Add]

Option 2 - Use localhost

It is also possible you do not have the option to add addresses to the trusted sites. Maybe because a policy is in place that prevents users from changing the Internet Options.

There is a solution for that. Change the servername in the address to localhost.

So the url would go from:




This way the address is recognised by the browser as a local address and different security policies apply.